Setting New Immigration Policy

Although I am an Immigration Hawk, I am happy to see Trump “pivot” to find a solution for the “Dreamers” who were brought here by their illegal alien parents.
This is just an example of what I have previously called every called EVERY presidents’ “Oh S%#*t moment” when a nominee goes from being surrounded by political campaign experts to being surrounded by executive, management experts. 

Someone finally told the president that giving 11 million (or more) illegal aliens a court hearing would drown the nation in red ink and all of his infrastructure money would go to courtrooms.

So, I suspect the president will triage, and first secure the Border and deport criminal illegal aliens. There are entire gangs in major cities made up entirely of illegal aliens. 

Yes, they get deported, and they return because while illegally entering the US is only a misdemeanor, returning after a deportation is a FEDERAL FELONY! 

It isn’t enforced, and that is why we get criminals with multiple illegal re-entry. Enforcing that single existing law will do more to clean up crime than any single action the president could take, and he could do so with a memo to his new Attorney General.

Senator Jeff Sessions would jump on that!

Yes, the Obama Executive Order giving the Dreamers a more rosy path than they deserve must be overturned. It was a political move, not a policy that was sustainable.

Climates Change!

CBS headline:”Scientists are warning that the Antarctic ice shelf could collapse within 100 years.”
Anytime I see a headline like “Could” or “May” I know they are guessing — and anytime I see any predictions that extend beyond the cognitive lifetime of anyone living, well that’s guessing, cubed!

It was 17,000 years ago, just a blink of a geologic eye, the oceans were 350 feet lower and the glaciers came all the way to Missouri. NYC was under hundreds of feet of glacial ice.

Climates change….

Not to put too sharp a point on the issue, but thank God for climate change.,.picture the Sahara Desert, with a few thousand pre-humans living to the south. Climate change caused the Sahara to become spotted with grasses and pond, and it enticed the Homo Habilis onto the new new savanna– only to cause some to go South and some north into Europe about 1.7 million years ago when the Sahara again became a desert. 

A similar event happened again with Homo Erectus about 700,000 years ago, and finally with Homo Sapien Sapien (our species) some 40,000 years ago.

Thank God for rapid climate change…it is the reason we are here as a species. Those climate changes, acting like a pump, forced a few of different species, first north into a new verdant plain, then further north and east into Asia, creating the life we know today.