The Lawyer Party

While I think it laudable that Joe Biden’s son is deploying to Iraq, it should remembered that Joe Biden’s son is going to Iraq AS A LAWYER.

Absolutely normal for The Lawyer Party of Obama (Lawyer), Biden (lawyer) and presumptive First Lady Michelle (Lawyer.)

Perhaps we can get our potential enemies to debate us!

Racing Improves the Breed?

While you may not share my love of auto racing, there is a nexus with the environment. And fuel efficiency.


First, diesel-powered cars (Audi and Peugeot) are the fastest cars in closed-wheel racing, and have been for years. (Peugeot holds the pole Saturday for Le Petite Le Mans with Audi in the second and third spots.)


NASCAR racing is trying to get foreign makes into NASCAR to supplement the lagging American makes, and Toyota has been winning a lot of NASCAR races, but other foreign makes say they will not join unless NASCAR permits more efficient engines, turbo chargers and diesel engines.


Heck, NASCAR still requires carburetors, for gosh sake!

Bill O’Reilly

Does anyone else think that Bill O’Reilly uses his show far too much to sell his books?

Conflict of Interest

According to the National Mortgage News,” *(Herb) Moses helped develop many of Fannie Mae’s affordable housing and home improvement lending programs.”


So, who is Herb Moses, and why should you care?


Moses wrote in the Washington Post in 1991. “I am the only member of the congressional gay spouse caucus, On Capitol Hill, Barney (Frank) always introduces me as his lover.”


This is not a homosexual issue – the issue would be the same if Moses was a woman, and Barney Franks’ lover or wife.


It is called “Conflict of interest,” and it would have been brought to light years ago IF Barney had been a straight  Republican.