Merriam Mountain

Meriam Mountain has neither a social redeeming factor, nor an economic redeeming factor. it is a fire disaster in the making, a traffic nightmare, a density kerfuffle, a…

But it is a shoo-in, because it generates more jobs in the County Government Offices, more taxes, more permit fees, more managerial fire jobs and therefore higher managerial salaries.

The fix is in. It is always in. Everyone from County Supervisors to the Sheriff Department depend on the taxes and fees of new developoment, and more people means more hires in every government department and that means higher salaries for managers.

I am Encouraged.

The Indiana lawsuit that is being considered by the Supreme Court, at least temporarily, is more than a little interesting.

Particularly, considering that President Hugo Obama was (supposedly) a “Constitutional Scholar.” (A “scholar” who never published?)

Now the Supremes say, “Hold it!”

It was just as surprising that Justice Ginsburg took the case. It fell to her to make the decision, and while her heart is clearly with the President, she knew that this was indeed a Constitutional Crises caused by her friend. (She also knew that other Members were probably chomping at the bit, and as I said a few days ago on this subject, there are political currents within the Supremes.)

Indiana has unions invested in Chrysler, and they are among those from whom the federal government stole priority rights to give to the UAW.

Union v. Union. (Got to love it!)

And the State of Indiana has said it will no longer invest in entities that take federal bailouts, because they no longer trust what have always been the rules and that the feds have arbitrarily changed.

I don’t know if the Supremes will hear the case en blanc. I don’t know that the Constitution will eventually win.

But I am a lot more encouraged than I was a few days ago.

A Little Transparency, Please!

Some years ago it was discovered that at Balboa Hospital, there was a special clinic for Admirals.

While it caused a bit of a stink, I sort of understood it as an RHIP (Rank Hath Its privileges), but there was no official authorization for this and it was abolished.

The only reason I bring this up at all is that if we get Nationalized Health Care, I don’t want CongressCritters to continue to have special privileges at Bethesda or anywhere else.

If we are all to be treated equally, we should ALL be treated equally!

If Admirals can come in the main clinic at Balboa, CongressCritters can do so also.

Hey, Governator!

The Sacramento Bee Editorial Board interviewed the Governator today, and his take on illegal aliens is, hmmmm, “interesting.”

From the Sacramento Bee today; (Quote) He said the cost of services to illegal immigrants, which has been estimated at $4 billion to $5 billion annually, is a “small percentage” of the deficit California faces.

“Yes, it is something that ought to be dealt with, but the fact of the matter is, I think it’s an easy scapegoat for people to point the finger and say, ‘Our budget is out of whack because of illegal immigrants.’ ”

“It’s not,” he added. “Our budget is out of whack because we have self-inflicted wounds that the Legislature and this state has never really sat down and had the will to go and make the necessary changes that have to be made.” (UNQUOTE)

Hey, Governor! “$4 billion to $5 billion annually” ain’t chump change! You are cutting programs that cost 1/100 of that and BRAGGING about your cuts!

So cut the illegal alien costs – pass the same kind of laws that currently exist in Arizona and Oklahoma!  Four to five billion may not be everything, but it certainly is more than just a little bit!

The mind boggles!