Memo From Me To Meg On Her Facebook Page

Great that you are encouraging the legal Latino vote, but you are simultaneously pandering to the illegal community that has support in the legal Latino community by waffling on illegal immigration. Your primary advantage at the start is that you are NOT Jerry Brown, but as you move toward him you lose not necessarily …the vote of those who know enough to oppose Brown — but you lose their (and my) enthusiasm. That enthusiasm could have been your great strength, since the voter registration and name recognition is so heavily with Brown, and you are losing that enthusiasm quotient. You are allowing your handlers to badly mis-manage your campaign during a national mood that abhors politicians who “nuance” their positions depending upon the audience. Try providing us with 10 bullet points in Spanish and English that say the same thing!

California Business Climate

The truncated list of on-line Letter to the Editor in the NC Times this morning is a shame, because left off the list is an excellent letter from Don Landis of Carlsbad.

He believes, as do many Democrats, that the purpose of business is to provide jobs and protect the “Earth.” He laments the decision of Calloway Golf to move its production to Mexico, and its distribution to an outsource company in Dallas.

He attributes these moves to “Republicans” and corporate greed.” Apparently, in the Landis mind(sic), Calloway Golf should remain in Carlsbad and lose money until all of the jobs are gone, but providing jobs in the meanwhile.

He ends his letter with “Vote Democrat!”

We do not know how many Democrats share his anti-business views that presume the purpose of business is to provide private-sector welfare.

What we do know is that the general population is turning away from such concepts daily but failing to publish his letter in the on-line version proves nothing about the views of the NCTimes.

Publishing his views on-line would have simply made some of the liberals look silly. I wish it had been published.

Some bloggers agree with the Landis premise that providing jobs and supporting the local economy is more important that making a profit, but they missed the part where Calloway was moving their distribution to Texas:

“Between 2000 and 2009, Texas added about 4 million residents, more than half of them migrants from elsewhere in the nation. And Texas will almost certainly emerge from the recession with the nation’s strongest and most important economy. … In May alone, Texas, America’s second most populous state, added over 75,000 jobs—more than California (the biggest), New York (third biggest), and Florida (fourth biggest) combined. Texas has shown consistent gains in 10 of the 11 categories of private employment that the Bureau of Labor Statistics measures…. During the last week in June, the job-hunt website offered more new job openings in Texas than in California even though the Golden State has over 10 million more people….”