The State of Politics

I just love the irony of Chris Matthews complaining about the “Right” not understanding that there is a right for the mosque to be built regardless of the sensibilities of the 911 victim families, while complaining that Glen Beck has the right to hold his rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Martin Luther King’s Day but not understanding the sensitivities of Blacks.

Such tortuous reasoning is usually something that Matthews attacks others for doing, but he cannot see, or will not acknowledge the mote in his eye.

This mosque issue has pitted the Establishment against the people and demonstrates the distance between the elite – particularly the academic elite who currently hold power, and the “rest of us.” When 70% of the people believe one thing and 30% another that is opposite – and the 30% are in political power – their power is tenuous.

That divide has existed in many, many instances – from GITMO, to Khaled Sheikh Mohammed being tried in new York, to Obamacare, to Card Check, to Cap and Trade to … (By the way, where DOES that Khaled Sheikh Mohammed trial stand?)

In an effort to get our society beyond the continuing racial divide, the American population voted for Barack Obama, looking for “Hope and Change.” The change he brought was not the change almost everyone sought – simply the absence of President Bush.

The American public is quick to replace a failing president, and they will replace this current one as well. He and his advisors see the inevitable, which will be preceded by such a loss of Democratic seats in the November election that President Obama is already a lame duck insofar as his agenda is concerned – so he might just as well vacation.

iPHONE Blues

If you are considering an iPHONE4, also consider waiting until it is carried by someone other than AT&T. The iPHONE is terrific, but the coverage from AT&T is awful. I have to go deep into my yard to use the phone, which makes it unusable in the current heat wave, or during the winter.

BUT, for only another $150 I can buy a booster from AT&T that will let me use my iPHONE in one room of my house, according to Mossberg in the Wall Street Journal — so long as I put it near a window, but not near my router, and hold my left arm behind….

Wonderful! I pay $130 a month to AT&T for a signal I can’t use in my home, and they want another $150 to give me a signal I can actually use only in my home office?

Here is a better idea. Get a Droid x from Verizon. I don’t know that Verizon has a better signal in my house, but it could not be worse. In theory I can take the iPHONE back but I am still stuck with the AT&T service for two years and it is not the iPHONE I hate, it is the signal from AT&T.
