Swerving Into a Winning Strategy

The Republicans are starting to get a clue, and grow a pair. I give credit to the TEA party.

Seven Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have asked the administration what the cost would be to deport every illegal alien with which government at all levels comes into contact?

The Republicans may just have swerved into a winning strategy – find and exploit wedge issues where th administration is in direct conflict with the desires of the electorate.

I would argue that the Republican successes so far in exploiting cases where the administration is in conflict with the electorate – healthcare, TARP, Cap and Trade – have been purely accidental.

Sort of a “Golly, what have we here” moment.

This one looks planned. Even the somnambulant and dense Republican leadership knows that the electorate supports the Arizona Law, 1070.

This looks like the starting pistol of the 2012 election cycle, and takes further advantage of the reigning president’s tendency – I would say, desire – to stick his thumb in the citizen’s collective eyes.

It is what community Organizers do, but cumulatively it comes at an increasing cost!


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