Quick Hits

There is no hope. We are doomed!

The Kaiser Family Foundation has found that 42% of Americans don’t know that Obamacare is the law of the land, and 12% think it has been overturned.

Now we know that interviews of, particularly young people on Leno and O’Reilly, know NOTHING! The problem is that most voters know nothing.

If there ever was a case to be made for a civics exam before voting, the Kaiser Family Foundation survey is it.


With the current state of education(sic) in California, Escondido should be willing to approve a new university in any building, park, or street!

There is apparently some small objection to a Catholic University moving into vacant space on Grand Avenue there is a lot of vacant space on Grand, but some want to reserve the space for more tax-producing entities.

In fact leasing the California Center for the Arts to this university for $1 a year would save the City serious subsidy money, and markedly increase businesses better suited to college students.

Still, a small university on Grand is a good start. If they outgrow their quarters, perhaps the CCAE will be in their future plans.


A Texas company ( who else) plans to release the 3D Cad/Cam files for the production of a printed handgun that is all plastic except foe a nail used as a firing pin, and a piece of metal designed for the handgun to be detected by metal detectors.

Bombs produced in the kitchen, ricin produced in the karate gym, and handguns produced in the office. We had better start checking on the mentally ill and socially disaffected, because the day will come when you can produce Something terribly powerful in the basement!

As we found with the Medieval ban on the crossbow, banning weapons just doesn’t work.

Meanwhile, Staples started selling a 3D printer at their stores today for $1,299.