Union Candidate Won and Lost

The Los Angeles Mayoral race went to a union backed candidate, but he was a private-union backed candidate.

The public-union backed candidate lost.

Big time. By eight percentage points.

Interestingly, the losing candidate made her reputation in politics by being a budget-hawk, but decided in this race to seek, indeed beg for public union money and backing.

She sold her soul to the Devil, and as an observer, community activist and city hall critic Jack Humphreyville said, “The good news is they gave her a pot of money,” Humphreville said. “The bad news is it trashed her reputation.”

It will make little difference one way or another. Los Angeles is in a financial death spiral from which it probably cannot recover. Public unions were the problem, and the voters correctly determined that public unions were not the solution.

Obama is a “God!”

Obama is a “God!”

Stay with me here…

Obama is not being held responsible for ANY of the current problems. The Washington Post says that Obama’s poll numbers are virtually unchanged after Fast and Furious; the Justice Department chilling, criminalizing of newsmen; Benghazi; and the IRS selective harassing of conservative groups.

That is the “God Effect.”

“God” in every culture and religion, gets credit when the crops come in heavily, or someone is rescued from harm, but never takes any blame for storms, hurricanes, failed crops, or those who die in disasters.

That phenomenon has always impressed me about human nature, and it is true across cultures and religions.

Dan Balz, writing in the Washington Post, notes ” It is never good for an administration when a front-page newspaper article about an ongoing controversy begins as follows: The White House offered a new account Monday of how and when it learned ...

Perhaps the constant drip, drip, drip of scandal will eventually impact the impervious aura that surrounds this president, who is an iconic figure and can withstand scandals that would politically doom lesser figures.