Book Review of Braddock’s March

Book Review of Braddock’s March, written by Thomas E. Crocker, Westholme Publishing

Braddock’s March – the little known story of, to that time, the largest British force sent to America (6,000 men), and their ill-fated attempt to attack a French Fort during the French and Indian wars.

It features a young Lt. who had recently surrendered a fort to the French and joined the Braddock expedition to take a large French fort – his name was George Washington. (It was in this battle that Washington redeemed himself, had two horses shot from beneath him and had four bullet holes in his clothes,)

It also peripherally includes  a young Kentucky wagon-driver named Daniel Boone (who fled the massacre), and a postmaster who arranged food and stores for the expedition, named Ben Franklin.

In 1755, we were a young and small nation, but this historical period is when we grew up.

Washington was, despite his military exploits then and more importantly later, the richest man in America. He did not need to fight for his country…although in this particular period he was with the Virginia Militia, in support of the British and had just inherited Mount Vernon.

When attacked by the Indians in ambush, Braddock refused Lt. Washington’s recommendation that the British break ranks from the column march, and “fight like Indians” but Braddock denied the request, was subsequently killed, and Washington led his remaining troops in a rear-guard retreat.

This is well-researched and well-told tale of a little known action that led to many events in our nation’s subsequent history, including “the Outrages” during which the Indians enslaved or brutally killed 1,000 to 1,500 frontier families shorn of British protection by the loss of Braddock’s Army.

WoW! Good News!

At last, some good news!

The new Lexus LFA, a ‘supercar” will be available only through lease – and the leasing terms are great!

$298,000 due at leasing time, and only $12,400 a month for 24 months.

Wonder if Jean and I could have “His” and “Hers?”


The Attorney Full Employment and Annuity Act of 2010

The president has not yet signed the Healthcare Bill, and already the Attorney Generals of 10 states have lined up to sue in federal court.

“Florida is being joined by Texas, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, North and South Dakota, Alabama, Nebraska, Utah and Washington in a lawsuit that McCollum said would be filed “as soon as the president signs the bill,” which is expected tomorrow.”

Other states will probably join the lawsuit – partly because the bill adds costs to the already cash=strapped states…almost $2 billion in the case of Florida.

The Democrats, funded by the attorneys, have passed the Attorney Full Employment and Annuity Act of 2010.

The Next Big Fight

Yes, immigration reform is the next bill – and again this will not be very bi-partisan.

The 20 million illegal immigrants will get their citizenship – and their healthcare through that citizenship, if the Democrats can marshal their votes one more time. The Democrats may figure they are in for a rocky November anyway, so what the hell – might just as well go for broke.

The Democrats have some potential champions in their immigration camp – I say potential because McCain and Graham may have seen the light through the healthcare debate.

It will be interesting to see how the Immigration thingie plays out – because immigration is not one of those usual left-right, Democrat-Republican thingies.

There is serious Republican political support for immigration reform to get cheap labor, and serious Democrat political support for cheap votes – but there are also huge grass roots opposition segments that are not political.

We have already seen the disdain with which politicians hold public opinion

Elections have consequences.