National Report Card: In Reading, California FAILS

Analyzing the 72 page federal report of periodic testing from the US Department of Education (called the National Report Card), – this time it was testing of reading in 50 states and two other entities. (Like D.C. and the overseas Department of Defense schools.):

In the Fourth Grade there is good news, and bad news.

The good news is that California scored higher than Louisiana and New Maxico.

The bad news is that California scored lower than Mississippi, and Arkansas, and Hawaii, and Alabama, and Georgia…well, just about everyone.

Now at the eighth grade, the results were also not so good: We TIED with Louisiana and beat Mississippi.

Additionally, this little note:

“(Headline) Private school students outperform public school students “

“In 2009, the average reading score for fourth-graders attending public schools was 15 points lower than the overall score for students attending private schools, and 16 points lower than students in Catholic schools specifically…”

Click to access 2010458.pdf