More Union Bailout!

The bill just signed to give $26 billion to “teachers, police and fire” just continues – indeed exacerbates, the problem that has existed in local communities for decades.

The recent exposes as to the HUGE retirement benefits, stacked as they are on top of overtime pay and other benefits MIGHT have been ameliorated, had the local communities been able to renegotiate with teacher, police and fire unions. The local communities could have threatened severe layoffs had the unions not capitulated in their gross overpayments in retirement.

But now, the federal government has taken that pressure off. There is no reason for the unions to “give back” – indeed they can continue to demand MORE with impunity! What the local communities cannot pay, the federal government obviously will, at the future expense to our grandchildren because the government just gave the teacher, fire and police union members more Chinese money!

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