A New Democrat Voter Fraud Led By a Union Thug? (I am shocked, shocked…)

Houston, Texas is the new Chicago!

Late last month there was a “mysterious” fire that destroyed the voting machines in Harris County where Houston is the largest city.

That in itself would not be too suspicious, but prior to that a group of volunteers had documented thousands upon thousands of bogus voter registrations by a group (Houston Votes)  under an employee of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Now anyone familiar with the history of the Acorn/SEIU cooperative effort for “voter registration” would not be surprised to learn what the volunteer effort to examine the voter rolls found – rampant fraud. More people registered at homes than the home could accommodate standing up! One woman registered six times. People registered in vacant lots.

The sort of thing that one expects in Chicago.

It is all in the hands of the Harris county DA, but as a person raised in Texas I fully understand how corrupt Texas politics can be – all I have to say to the politically sophisticated is: “Landslide Lyndon.”

Now, what does this local corruption have to do with national politics?

The former Mayor of Houston is the Democrat running against the current Republican Governor, and it is a tight race.

The very disclosure may complicate the race – or perhaps a vigilant voter watch as a result of the disclosure will turn the Governor election.

It is one to watch

(Actually, the SEIU is the ONE TO WATCH!)

You might ask: Where is the US Attorney general? Yes, you could ask that, but then you already know the answer.

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