A VAST Conspiracy

The Catholic Church in Los Angeles has published 30,000 pages of detail information that has caused the Church to tell “Cardinal” Mahoney to stop having duties in his retirement – because Mahoney OBVIOUSLY covered up the sexual abuse.

Mahoney is RETIRED! They are not stripping Mahoney of his retirement money, or of his title.

Of course the District Attorney SHOULD throw him in jail. I don’t know if Mahoney is past the “Statute of Limitations” but somehow it would not make any difference. The Princes of the Church are beyond blame in heavily Catholic Los Angeles.

The records indicate that Mahoney, and his assistant Curry, KNEW of the sexual abuse of children, knew that it was criminal, and purposely conspired to keep the information even from Psychiatrists who would have to report the abuse to authorities.

If there ever was a case where federal authorities should intervene to prosecute because the Civil Rights of the children were obviously abused, this is it. It won’t happen, of course. The conspiracy goes all the way to the Vatican, who, to protect an East Coast cardinal, transferred him to the Vatican.

This conspiracy goes all the way to the top.

One way to charge Mahoney is to examine the depositions and see if he lied — that extends the Statute of Limitations, not to mention “Lying Under Oath.”

Book ‘Em Dano!