
The Feds are releasing “hundreds” of detained illegal aliens — to demonstrate the impact of Sequestration.(Of course, Obama had no idea. That actually is a pretty good deduction — name the subject and Obama has no idea.)

(Meanwhile, thousands sneaked across the border last night.)

The Sequestration cuts just over 2.4% of the annual budget, $85 billion out of three thousand, seven hundred billion dollars, but, according to Obama and the Democrats, planes will fall from the sky and children will starve in the streets!

Now just for the record, a WHOLE BUNCH of Democrats voted for the Sequestration, including Boxer and Feinstein, and Pelosi from our state. Harry Reid voted for Sequestration! It was the President’s specific idea, and he SIGNED the bill. To hear the Democrats tell it, the Sequestration is something the the cheap, dirty Republicans did.

The federal government will spend more money next year under Sequestration than they did last year, and planes did not fall from the sky last year, aircraft carriers still deployed, and children did not die.

This entire episode is so bizarre, because anyone with half a brain knows that 85 out of three thousand is not a lot. If you had an income of three thousand dollars a month, and you had to take a cut of $85, it would not ruin your day.

Somehow it ruins Democrats days.
