Labor Unions

Opportunity exists with options, and workers have options.


Collective action is simply extortion.


There is no right to strike, only a right to quit. Labor needs to be competitive, just as laborers demand that prices be competitive and if someone is willing to do a job for less, let that be an option.


If someone I don’t know threatens to imperil my business if I don’t give them money, I can have them arrested for extortion. If the someone who threatening my business is an employee, suddenly the law is on the extortionists side!


Laborers may always take their labor down the street if they think they “deserve” more, and thereby test their skills on the open market, as I must do with my goods. Perhaps there was a place for legalized extortion when one was tied by lack of transportation to a small town coal mine, but now anyone can be 3,000 miles away offering their services in a single day.


Just this year, oil leases were to be released by the Interior Department in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska faced, and this is quoted from The Wilderness Society website: “REDOIL (Resisting Environmental Destruction on Indigenous Lands), the Alaska Wilderness League, Center for Biological Diversity, National Audubon Society, Natural Resources Defense Council, Northern Alaska Environmental Center, Oceana, Pacific Environment, Sierra Club, and The Wilderness Society filed suit in federal district court in Alaska today, arguing that in making its decision to hold the lease sale, MMS did not adequately weigh the impacts oil and gas activities would have on wildlife like polar bears, or on native villages along Alaska’s North Slope. The organizations are being represented by Earthjustice, a nonprofit environmental law firm.”


And the beat goes on!


Now don’t get me wrong, most environmentalists do not support obstructionist lawsuits, and many mainstream Greens don’t belong to those “nuts” but they belong to mainstream environmental groups that FUND the environmental extremists!


Follow the money, but it appears that the Sierra Club is the central clearing house for obstructionists everywhere.


And to think I was once a hiking member!


Like all businesses, oil companies want to drill for the easiest oil so they can get the least expensive oil to a high-priced market as quickly as possible and make the maximum profit!


Part of that is not just drilling, but drilling somewhere they know is oil, and preferably near existing infrastructure so they can transport that which they drilled. Alaska already has a great oil delivery infrastructure,


Do you wonder why oil companies do not drill on leases they already own?


Shell Oil has been trying to drill on oil leases for which they have already  paid more than $90 million, in the Beaufort Sea off the Alaskan Coast, for many years and that drilling has been opposed by lawsuits from the Alaska Wilderness League, Sierra Club and other conservation groups such as EarthJustice (“Because the Earth Needs a Good Lawyer”) and Pacific Environment (Protecting the Living Environment of the Pacific Rim”).


The Left’s War on The Poor continues, and if things do not change, American-owned airlines will largely go out of business and only the rich will be able to fly.


(The rich will always include the lawyers from Sierra Club, EarthJustice, Alaska Wilderness League, and Pacific Environment.)


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