Stop the Water Scam

There are not enough Bentleys to go around, so Bentleys are rationed by price. Them what can afford them have them, and I don’t — that’s life.

Now if I could talk RR into making millions of Bentleys we all could have one, and if we could talk “water authorities” to actually look for water, we all could have water.

But “public officials” in the “water authority” continue to get paid regardless of how much water they provide. They have no incentive to find more water resources — it just means more work for them with no reward so in fact there is a disincentive to find more water!

Here we sit on the edge of the largest known water source in the known universe, the Pacific Ocean, and we have an entity that wants to desalinate it for us but we let the Surfrider Foundation obstruct our source.

When France decided it was a national priority to have nuclear power, they simply banned environmental lawsuits.

The time has come to pluck feathers and heat tar!