Illegal Immigration

Newspaper report are that there is a significant increase in the deportation of already once-deported illegal aliens, but wouldn’t you know it, defense attorneys are complaining that these sweeps are catching people who are back, but as responsible citizens!

Leave it to defense attorneys to find something, ANYTHING, to keep ANYONE out of jail! To them, there is nothing that cannot be excused. Several years ago a defense attorney pled his charge not guilty of murder, when the wife’s body was found to have been kept two years in a refrigerated truck plugged into the defendants home!


Just remember that defense attorneys are permitted to lie in Court, and they believe that lying for their client is no big deal.


We should all be able to agree with the deportation of previously deported illegal aliens.

Union Muscle

“Nonsense, DD,” is simply Reardon keeping the Twit at bay.


I’ll be around.


I have no objection to collective bargaining, per se (Freedom of Association, and all that). but rather the TACTICS then used, which are extortion.


Union supporters think competition is shopping for parts is fine. Competitive shopping for leases is fine. Competitive shopping for phone services is fine, competitive shopping for everything is fine — BUT DON’T YOU DARE TRY COMPETITIVE SHOPPING FOR LABOR!


What labor unions cannot control is the rise of employment in Right To Work states, and the concomitant loss of jobs in non-competitive states.


So, what we see is that corporations take their “business climate” into account, competitively, when deciding to expand, move, or start their business.


Most union supporters think small, as in small business or local corporations – a small local business without potential or intent to expand nationally or internationally. But the states in which foreign automobile manufacturers have built or expanded, and the simultaneous states in which American automobile manufacturers are laying off, tells the story.


Colorado is the next state voting on the Right To Work initiative, and the polls are running 77% favorable, but the unions have yet to weigh in with their money and muscle.


Lots of muscle.


Greener Than Gore

The civilized way to handle limited resources is what we in the Western world call “economics.” Economics is the management of scarcity, because if everyone could afford everything there would be no need for an exschange of goods and services.


Bentleys are very scarce, so only a few can afford to own them.


I can afford my SUV, and my turf. The Left’s War is on the Poor who live at the margin. Because I decided to pay my dues early and get a very good education, and then work hard, I remain virtually immune to shortages caused by radical environmentalists.


The poor are reduced to driving small cars, and looking at brown lawns, so the lawsuits do not concern me except philosophically.


And even with my “excesses,” I remain Greener than Al, and Greener than Arnold