North County Hospital Bond

It looks as if will fail.

There is no statute forbidding all of those who support the bond issue from writing a check directly to the hospital district!

Write a check! Today! If 60% of the people actually do support the hospital plans, tens of thousands of checks for, say $100 or $200 each, will get things started quite nicely.

Put your money where your mouth is! Step right up.

(Same goes for school bonds!)

White Elephant Review

I wrote my first letter to the Editor of the NC Times railing against the “California Center for the Arts” before it was ever built. It was obvious.


The Russians under the Czars were embarrassed that they were considered untutored Boobs by the cultured Europeans, so the Czars bought tons of Renaissance Great Art – only to find that the Europeans consider them as untutored Boobs who owned tons of Renaissance Great Art!


The politicians who first approved this White Elephant have retired and continue to collect their pensions, while being addressed at cocktail parties as “Mr. Councilman…”


Could we possibly design an accountability system whereby politicians must pay a price for stupidity when their grand scheme does not work and costs the taxpayers forever?


This was a pure case of Edifice Complex! Somewhere on this complex there is doubtless a brass memorial to the “Founders” (who “founded” this with other people’s money!) and it should not be a great problem for a NCTimes reporter to go and interview these “Worthies” as to the result of their failed idea!

Life Through a Liberal’s Eyes

I am reading a historical novel, “Honor Killing” (Race, Rape and Clarence Darrow’s Spectacular last case)  by David E. Stannard.

It is remarkable not just for the famous Hawaiian 1930s lurid case, about which I was familiar, but the relentless left-leaning writing wherein the author places all of the 1930s plantation remnant ills in the light of 2008 morality. It is so absolutely stunning that I fully expect to read of a beautiful red Hawaiian sunset in terms of a Hiroshima atomic bomb!

Let me give you two examples from just one page, page 76. On that single page, the author is addressing segregated neighborhoods, Japanese in one area, Filipinos in another, Chinese in still another.

“When immigrant ex-workers and their families first began moving into Honolulu they tended to replicate the  race and nationality boundaries that had been imposed upon them by the plantations…”

Ahhh…excuse me! Those same ethnic neighborhoods exist today in Honolulu, almost a 100 years after the plantation segregation!

Is it just possible that ethnic groups cling together because that is more comfortable? Here in San Diego we still have large ethnic neighborhoods, in a California that NEVER had Jim Crow laws, never had plantations!

On the same page, remarking upon the voting records of the ethnic groups now off the plantation, but still apparently influenced by their “lunas” (“bosses”) who told them to vote Republican or lose their jobs, he writes:

“Habits of mind formed under these (plantation) conditions remained present among many workers long after the plantation was behind them…the great majority of Japanese did not even bother to register…’

All stop! These Japanese had spent, at most four years on the plantation after living in Japan WHERE THEY HAD NO VOTE! Japan during the decades where they furnished plantation workers was a dictatorship! Voting was absolutely new to them, and to the Chinese, and to the Filipinos who also worked the plantations! Voting, even observed voting on the plantation was at least VOTING!

Personally, I judge all actions from the standpoint of whether they were better than whatever preceded it – not from the standpoint of how it would look today. If whatever is going on at any moment in history was better than what went on before, that is good.

Liberals look on everything from today’s eyes, so to them everything in history is BAD! Columbus is not a great discoverer, he is an Indian killer. George Washington is not a great General and President, he is a slave owner. Thomas Jefferson is not a brilliant Founding Father, he is a slave impregnator. 

Sad! As bad as plantation life was for those who contracted to work the fields, that life was so much better than from where the workers came! The plantation owners recruited from areas engaged in war, and or famine, and the workers were HAPPY to work peaceful fields even under harsh conditions today, but under normal conditions worldwide when they were practiced.



U.S. Postal Service

I just saw a shipping ad on TV for the US Postal Service, touting the fact that they do not add a fuel surcharge to their package shipping, like their competitors.


Didn’t I just read that the postal service showed a $1,3 BILLION deficit to be paid for by the taxpayers?


Hey, “Postal Service!” I have an idea! If you increase your deficit and lay that off on the taxpayers to say, $10 Billion a year, you can afford to charge only a penny for shipping and REALLY undercut your competition!