Filed Under: School Administrators Are Poor Money Managers? (Duh!)

From the

Behold the Vanishing Stimulus

“Well, it was nice while it lasted.

San Diego County public schools got a nice chunk of change — about $360 million — from the feds to help them survive three school years. After the next school year, the money goes bye-bye.

As we report, “Schools were supposed to save jobs. But they were also cautioned that since the money would run out, they should try to invest it in sustainable and innovative programs that would last beyond the funds.”

That last part proved to be difficult if not impossible for districts that chose to spend money on jobs instead.

We analyze how many jobs were saved locally and take a look at what happens next.”

Boy Scouts Don’t Win Wars!

If you can imagine Hillary Clinton conducting an attack on the Taliban, then you can imagine General McChrystal being diplomatic.

There are two types of military men – warriors and politicians. One is useful in warfare and the other in peacetime.

In peacetime, the military give high praise to those who referee Little League and collect money for United Crusade, but abhor those who beat their wives and wreck bars. When ‘the drums begin to roll” however, we find the Pattons we have sent to some far station to count blankets, and make them our Generals.

Certainly, there are a disparate few who can both hold a wine glass at a Washington cocktail party, and cut a throat, but they are few. Few indeed.

I hope General Petraeus is one of those, but I remain unconvinced that anyone is until it is proven. Afghanistan policy requires someone who is both to keep the troops from rebelling against the ultra-stupid Rules of Engagement.

Those rules place a higher value on civilian lives than it does on American soldiers. We will see if the new commander can get those rules changed – he has wider latitude because the President will not want to replace two successive commanders in Afghanistan. That would be an admission that it is the strategy that is flawed and not the commanders.