Mr. President. Please Play More Golf!

There is, I think, a misconception about “civilian control” of the military. It does mean, as the McChrystal dismissal shows, that the President appoints or fires military leaders.

It does NOT mean that being elected President gives a person inter alia, sufficient wisdom or experience to run a war.

As the BP Blowout ably demonstrates, being elected President does not make one an expert in stopping gushing oil either.

Catholics may believe as a matter of faith that being elected Pope gives the Elected One infallibility in religious matters, so too in war do some liberals believe the President to whom they have placed their faith.

While LBJ may have felt himself sufficiently knowledgeable to select targets in Vietnam, at least President Obama has not (yet) dropped to that position – but he is getting close. I would guess that President Obama, not having been in national leadership for a full life-time like LBJ, probably understands that he is well over his head.

That may be why he plays so much golf.

We should all pray that he plays still more golf, because while he is authorized by the Constitution to replace Generals he is woefully unqualified to run a war.

Hopefully, the BP Blowout gave him a clue as to his limitations. He previously had a clue when he was not able to curb unemployment, stop foreclosures, control the deficit, or even sell his already passed healthcare bill.

Golf seems a very good idea.

Mr. President, with all respect, the Europeans have decided not to play…

The same liberals who have preached that we must arrange our economy to be more like Europe appear to be shocked that the Europeans are cutting their stimulus and their budgets.

With Greece as their current symbol, the Europeans are retrenching just as the American President urges them to spend freely like he is doing.

But the European leaders have seen what happens when a nation does what our President demands – and they don’t want any part of becoming Greece.

Or, California, for that matter

I suspect that the Europeans will not tell Mr. Obama to “pound sand” but they also will not do as he asks. American Presidents have long been accustomed to being either feared (economic or militarily), or loved – but our President is neither by the European leaders.

Both he, and the dollar have lost their clout. The dollar only retains most of its standing because the Euro, and the British Pound are so battered.