Hipocricy Personified

Filed Under: This from someone who had a show discussing “Rainbow Parties” & “Tossed Salad” ( Sexual Term even more graphic than Tea Bagger…http://www.fugly.com/audio/258/oprah-tossed-salad.html) On Why She Founded Her New Network

Oprah: It’s just created to blur the senses. It feels like Halloween candy. Gobble it down and at the end you don’t feel better—you’re like, Why did I do that to myself? In recent years I started to feel that, Gee, television has lost its mind. There’s no mindfulness there anymore. You used to be able to watch shows and come away with something—like with my favorite program growing up, ‘The Andy Griffith Show.’


Comment: I can hardly wit until she is no longer constrained by the FCC!


A Case Of The Vapors

Capt. Horn of the USS Enterprise is the latest victim of Political Correctness Gone Viral.

I have not seen his complete “video” — but the knowledge that young sailors (male and female) are profane, highly-sexed, and not politically correct is just a shock to those over 40 years of age, which includes all Admirals and Legislators.

Can you imagine Members of Congress saying they are shocked with the video — considering their constant time on the newspaper pages in sexual impropriety? The mind boggles.

I have seen blocked out video of the terrible video — and the words and video do not even approach the work available on late-night regular TV comedy, and certainly that available on cable TV.

Much ado about nothing. Sailors are highly sexed — but no more than the normal behavior on any college campus. Sexual innuendo? There is more on the Oprah Show!

Fake Shock! (I hope the Navy officials feigning shock for public consumption don’t get a copy of my autobiography, or they would have a case of the vapors.)