Cognitive Dissonance

You know what causes me cognitive dissonance?

Comparing the photos I see of Tea Party groups, with a Heavy Metal, occult-worshiping, drug-using, dropout.

Liberals seem to find these two things to be similar.


More Liberal Hypocrisy

Are not the same liberals today condemning the Tea Party, the very ones who said that we should not jump to conclusions when Major Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood killed 12 soldiers and once civilian, while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

Why, yes, I think they are!

“The important thing is for everyone not to jump to conclusions,” Gen. Wesley Clark on CNN the night of the shootings.

“We cannot jump to conclusions,” said CNN’s Jane Velez-Mitchell …”We have to make sure that we do not jump to any conclusions whatsoever.”

“I’m on Pentagon chat room,” said former CIA operative Robert Baer on CNN, also the night of the shooting.  “Right now, there’s messages going back and forth, saying do not jump to the conclusion this had anything to do with Islam.”

The next day, President Obama … “I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts.”
Read more at the Washington Examiner:



Learn New Things, Daily…

The Associated Press has decided to participate in the old joke about the Washington Post headline: “World Ends Tomorrow – Women and Children Hurt Most!”

They have an article about Blacks and Latinos using the internet enabled smartphones more than Whites – but using them for social media instead of work related, or looking for work! (Pew Research)

It’s the new “Digital Divide”

Further, a study by danah boyd (yes, lower case) a ”social media researcher for Microsoft and a fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society” found that in 2007-2008 White teens abandoned MySpace because it was too “ghetto,” and fled to Facebook, in a White Flight syndrome representing both race and class.

Who knew?

It’s Their Fault!

The former “Fattest Man in The World” (photo in all his fat, naked glory at is suing the British National Health Service because they “let him” grow fat.

Which is to say that they would not let him get a gastric by-pass for several years, and while he waited (waiting is the norm in government healthcare), he continued to grow, grow, grow.

And, grow he did, consuming and not exercising – and not taking any personal responsibility for his personal condition.

Because, when you are the ward of the state…it is “their fault.”