Extra! Extra! Emergency Meeting of the Hand-Wringers United Called!

(Headline) Maine governor says NAACP can ‘kiss my butt’

  By: CNN Political Unit

…The governor made the comments to CNN affiliate WCSH after being asked about criticism he received from the organization for refusing to attend an event it is sponsoring on behalf of Martin Luther King Day.

“They are a special interest. End of story…and I’m not going to be held hostage by special interests. And if they want, they can look at my family picture. My son happens to be black, so they can do whatever they’d like about it,” LePage said.

The governor has an adopted son from Jamaica, according to WSCH.

Maine governor says NAACP can ‘kiss my butt’


The Liberal Symbol

The symbol for Republicans is the Elephant, and the Democrats is the Donkey.

I propose the symbol for liberals still blaming Palin, et al, for the AZ shooting is the iRenew Energy Bracelet.

For those who do not have or watch TV, there is a commercial running for the bracelet in which they demonstrate its technological ability to give you, among other things, physical stability. The announcer walks up behind a person standing with their hands clasped behind them, and tries to pull them to the floor by grabbing their hands and pulling toward the floor. Naturally the person, unsuspecting of the coming action, is knocked off balance.

Next they put the bracelet on the person and try it again. This time the person knows what’s coming and is prepared for it – and does not stumble. Instant Stability!

The announcer says it is obviously the bracelet! A technological marvel, and they will mail you two for $19.95. (Plus S&H)

iRenew, carefully make no scientific claims, just anecdotal information that the bracelet has just demonstrated its abilities and is worn by many athletes. When recently sued, they admitted they have absolutely no scientific evidence. They have offered to return anyone’s money who asks for it, knowing that few will – they are either too embarrassed to admit they were fooled and will throw the bracelet away, or they will actually “believe” it helps them.

If they believe it, it probably will help them – it is the placebo effect. Think copper bracelets.

The liberals on this blog are among those people, still believing in a discredited concept for which they ADMIT they have no proof – and one where the rest of the public either initially discounted as fraud on its face, or now, with further information, has abandoned the product.

What we have left of the left, are “bitter-clingers” wearing iRenew Energy Bracelets.

Filed Under: Frustration appears to be the norm on the Left…

Frustration on global warming deepens for supporters of climate change bill

By Andrew Restuccia – 01/13/11 05:39 PM ET

“Frustration among lawmakers backing climate change legislation is palpable in the wake of the latest evidence of global warming.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Wednesday announced that 2010 was tied for the hottest year on record, yet Democrats in Congress said the nation is not getting any closer to taking action on greenhouse gas emissions. “
