Ranking the Free Economies — US Loses Ground

The US lost ground in the annual ranking of the World’s Free Economies rankings by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal:

“HONG KONG (AFP) – – Hong Kong remained the world’s freest place to do business for the 17th year in a row in an annual US league table published Wednesday.

…Switzerland, Canada, Ireland, Denmark, the United States and Bahrain rounded out the top ten, which is based on criteria including economic openness, trade, the efficiency of domestic regulators, and the rule of law.”



One wonders why the uber-left continues to use the “conservative radio and politicians did it” when the polls say that is a losing argument.

(Answer: ‘Cause that’s all they got!)

Having lost the election (BIG TIME), and losing EVERY specific Obama policy proposal (except Wall Street Reform) up to that disastrous election, the NEVER-SAY-DIE Left is casting about for a lifeline…

It’s just that this isn’t it…still, it’s what they have and absent a new issue, this will do.

But, when it comes to marginalizing themselves, continuing to harp on losing issues — none of which they have ever turned around — becomes self-defeating. I could have understood the tactic in the beginning, hoping that some new information from the shooters writings, friends, videos etc. would have provided a hook on which to hang their political vendetta.

It never came.

I suspect they hope for future redemption, and if it doesn’t come they will be left with still another defeat, making them even more desperate for some small victory, somewhere, or at least a natural turning of the tide that is sweeping them away.

Economic reality is their actual enemy — even their friends in political power must respond by tightening the collective belt, harming the beneficiaries of the left’s previous power to provide perks.

Without perks to distribute, they have only fear to give, and that is sparse sustenance.

But that is, still, all they got, and they ride it not out of choice, but out of necessity.

Filed Under: Actually, things are much better these days…


“In the rough-and-tumble Congress of the 1830s, 1840s and 1850s, politicians regularly wore weapons on the House and Senate floors, and sometimes used them.

During one 1836 melee in the House, a witness observed representatives with “pistols in hand.”’