Voting is Almost Over

In the first race to be called by ABC news, you can stamp “REJECTED” across the forehead of President Obama, as ABC News reports…”By a 23-point margin, voters there said they were casting their ballots in opposition to Obama, with 62 percent disapproving of Obama’s job performance overall, according to ABC News exit polls.”

Actually, P.J. O’Rourk put it better – he said this is “a restraining order” on the president.

My favorite moment in this campaign was the candidacy of Greene (D) in South Carolina against DeMint (R). I angle was a nut, Greene was MUCH nuttier…after all, Angle was a public school teacher for 31 years! (HeHeHe)

Yes, I know, liberals. The American voter is just a racist pig voting their prejudice, fooled by the liars on Faux Gnues, and not nearly smart enough to know what is best for them – like you obviously do.

Game over.

What the left calls Stalemate, the Founding Fathers called Checks and Balances.

Happy election day!