Yes He Can

Just watched my dvr of Hardball with a guest hose trying to oversee a debate between the two sides on the coming tax increases.

Congresswoman Sanchez (D-CA) says she agrees we need cuts and proposes withdrawing immediately from Iraq and Afghanistan to save $8 billion a month.

Wrong. audience. She is of the currently dominant political party, whose leader is the Commander-in-Chief, He of the “Yes, We Can.”

The president can withdraw the troops from Iraq TOMORROW MORNING! (Yes, He Can.)

The president can withdraw the troops from Afghanistan TOMORROW MORNING. (Yes, He Can.”)

Come to think of it, as Commander -in-Chief, the president can order Khalid Sheikh Mohammed transferred to a US military base (along with others) and GITMO closed. (Yes, He Can.)

The president is the first half-term president — he is CAPABLE of doing whatever he wants to do — he can end enforcement of the Patriot Act (Yes, He Can; “rendition” (Yes, He Can), Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (Yes He Can)…

On the one hand, I hope he does — but it would destroy the Democrats for a century & I really want a working minority of Democrats remaining in Congress because I do not trust Republicans, much as I like having a few avowed Communists remaining in universities, and a few avowed Socialists on MSNBC so we can keep them (and their ideas) on display.

But MS. Sanchez is close to the seat of power, and in the power circle. She needs to get her political party to talk to the current “Decider.”

Pick Your Poison

Big argument over full body scanners, and groping that would be felony groping worthy of jail time if not done by government people.

When is it moral for the group to do that which is immoral for any individual in the group to do? (Probably the seminal question of civilization.)

El Al is the primary target internationally, and they have had ZERO penetrations (no pun intended) and they use neither scanners nor pat downs universally.

(They do use profiling.)

Nothing we do so far can stop cavity bombs, and the terrorists have already used them.

O.K. — we have a clash of rights — privacy intrusion v. profiling.

Pick your poison.

None of the Above — Please

I don’t trust the Republicans more — I just trust the Democrats less. This election was not a vote of confidence in the Republicans, it was a repudiation of the Democrats, just as the vote in 1008 was not a vote for whatever then Senator Obama wanted to do, it was a repudiation of George Bush.

I am not an “independent” — I am a registered Libertarian who sides philosophically with libertarians but seldom votes for them because they do not filed good candidates or have a “ground game” sufficient to win elections. (Although I voted mostly “L” in ths past election because I could stomach few “D” or “R” candidates.

I long for “None of the Above.”

We Need Tort Reform!

I am sitting here running a Polar Care 500 on my recent knee operation — the same machine I used three weeks ago for my previous knee – when a TV ad comes on saying if I used this machine and suffered any one of six disabilities (including amputation) I should contact the Goldwater Law group.

This machine is just an ice chest with a pump that pumps cold water around a joint to reduce swelling and pain associated with the surgery. It really works well!

Could you mis-use the machine if you were stupid and left it on more than the 20 minutes at a time or not put cloth between the freezing cold water and your skin, and freeze your joint. Sure. You could stick a pencil in your eye, or hold your hand over an open stove flame also!

It is so obvious to anyone watching the ambulance-chasers on TV that we need tort reform. You would have to be terminal stupid to have this machine injure you, but I guess it is “income redistribution” from “fat-cat, greedy corporations” to the felony stupid!