Analysis II

Lame Duck!

Weeks before this past election, the President became a lame duck as his program came to a stop and now has come to an end.

There will be no Cap and Trade. Dead!

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell reform is DEAD!

Immigration Reform is DEAD!

I have heard liberal calls (on MSNBC) for the president to institute what ha can by Executive Order, but as the president has just learned his presidential immunity to retention of office does not protect those he convinces to do his bidding and support his proposals in direct contradiction to the will of the voters will as expressed continuously in poll after poll, state after state interim election.

I suppose that the House members who feared Pelosi more than they did the voters back home believed they gave up their lives in a righteous cause because that is the nature of politics, but not one of them could have missed the Town Hall signals, and the polls and the votes in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts. They all had been successful politicians and knew which way the wind was blowing, but decided to buy temporary peace with their House Speaker (who, admittedly wields a lot of daily power) with the certain knowledge that their temporary comfort was going bought at the expense of their eventual political demise. They accepted the deal.

Meanwhile, the remaining liberals applaud the addition of fewer than 200,000 new jobs a month, when it takes more than 200,000 a month just to stay even with population growth. We lose ground and the liberals applaud…strange.

I conclude that the Washington politicians have not caught up to the technological era and still believe they can work in a media vacuum. Sorry, the internet and Fox News changed all of that. We now have duplex communication between politicians and their voters, and the voters know that – so when there is a lack of communication the voters know who is not listening and can act accordingly.

They did. They will again if necessary.