“Eat The Rich?”

Having watched This Week this morning, I call upon Issa, et al, to introduce a bill increasing, indeed doubling the taxes by name on both Gates, junior and senior, Buffett, and Turner — each of which supports higher taxes for themselves.

We have a huge deficit — let’s address it partially with those who WANT to pay it.

(Yes, I know. They can write a check and send it to the US government TODAY, but perhaps they are so wealthy that they do not understand “check” and “post office” — but they have personal staff.)

Mining the WikiLeaks Material (Part One)

“At the start of a series of daily extracts from the US embassy cables – many of which are designated “secret” – the Guardian can disclose that Arab leaders are privately urging an air strike on Iran and that US officials have been instructed to spy on the UN’s leadership.”

Really interesting stuff.


Compulsory Christians

Really interesting to hear Ted Turner on This Week with WhatsHerName rave about Rwanda, where he lauds the ruler for requiring all citizens to spend hours each third Saturday picking up trash in the neighborhood.

It is apparent that an assignment of “authoritarian” to some liberals, holds.

Clue to Coffee Drinkers

Clue: COSTCO is introducing & carrying a new coffee K-Cup for Keurig machines — a 100% Colombian by Folgers.

Yes, Folgers!

for those whose epicurean tastes blanch at the thought of “Folgers,Gourmet” — it is not half bad. In fact it is pretty good.

There are many brands, many blends and many roasts to choose from (I usually prefer Tully Kona Blend, personally, but a lot of us change off our coffees like we do our music, depending on the mood.)

Perhaps you can find a place for a new K-Cup in your larder.

My Immigration Plan (Again)

At the risk of repeating a balanced proposal:

Illegal immigration is a classic cost/benefit problem.

The “cost” is the social and financial cost incurred by the FAMILIES of illegal alien workers in school, medical and criminal activities.

The benefit is the workers labor in labor fields where American labor is lacking.

The problem is that those who benefit do not pay the cost.

Most solutions call for some deportation of otherwise law-abiding women and children. This raises hackles on the necks of many Americans.

My plan institutes a “carrot” to entice those families to self-deport, and a “stick” if they do not take the carrot. (All at no additional cost to the taxpayers.)

1) Secure the Border.
2) Deport ALL CONVICTED CRIMINAL illegal alien.
3) Double (or even TRIPLE) LEGAL immigration from all Latin countries.
4) Institute a Worker program with all current illegal alien WORKERS IN SPECIFIC LABOR CATEGORIES eligible for a 10-year Green Card (renewable in 5 year increments on good behavior) — IF (and ONLY if) they agree to have their non-American citizen family-members move back immediately to their home country. (Violators will lose their Green Card status).
5) Institute a CONTROLLED Guest Worker program of new workers, based on 2 year, unaccompanied tours, (renewable 3 times on good behavior).

This proposal would blunt claims of racism, decrease immeasurably the social cost drain on the taxpayer, and provide a large source for low-cost labor while keeping the remittances to Latin countries generally untouched.

This is a win-win situation in which there is an incentive for self-deportation of the family drain on taxpayers, while keeping the benefit(s) of labor in a known and regulated manner.

I like illegal aliens — I have fed them, housed them, arranged for their work, and collected their just debts — all at no cost.

But I hate illegal immigration because the social cost has far exceeded the labor benefit.

Let’s discuss humane solutions to human problems, and leave the punitive methods to the most egregious matters. Deportation is a method more suitable to a problem that requires instant solutions – our illegal alien population has lived with us with minimal problems for many decades, and while we need to address the problem it can stand to be addressed in a less contentious manner than letting line-breakers stay at the front of the line or deportation.

And make no mistake, the Democrats policy will leave the line-breakers at the head of the line – they remain comfortable in the US for years while other Latinos who have behaved properly remain in Rio, or Mexico City.

My proposal has added importance since the passing of the Healthcare Bill. Those self-deporting families are at the low end of the economic scale and will require subsidies, while those who apply for the increased legal immigration must, by law, have a sponsor who attests that the sponsor will pick up the economic slack if the immigrant is not capable.

We trade well-educated Latino immigrants in a legal status for basically uneducated Latino immigrants in an illegal status.

(The Democrats proposal does not address at all the millions of illegal aliens who choose NOT to even apply for American citizenship!)