“Fines” Are For The “Little People”

It was several years ago that I posted an item that there are more than a million and a half “exempt” government workers who avoid/evade paying for traffic tickets and toll road charges – because their addresses are held confidential by state authorities for “safety reasons.”

They are held confidential not just from the public, but from other state and state-contracted agencies.

That is MILLIONS of scofflaw dollars a year that has evaded collection each year in the past. Each year a bill has been introduced in Sacramento to get this situation under control.

It is the old ‘creep” problem – a system designed to protect judges and the CHP was expanded to their spouses, then their families, then more than a million and a half state employees – it is the Greek example of early retirement for coal miners for their work in a unsafe environment being expanded to hairdressers (chemicals) and even disc jockeys (microphones with germs.)

It is in the nature of government.

The Men and Women of Boeing

I would like to thank the men and women at Boeing, for making a plane worthy of being bought internationally. (The continuing problems with AirBus don’t hurt.)

As to the Obama trip – ALL presidents look for a feel-good announcement to make their trips look good in the eyes of the voters. Everything at international conferences are also worked out by functionaries long before the conference begins except in rare circumstances.

I just hope that no one on this blog – or even in this world – thinks for a second that the deal had not been put to bed months before the presidential trip, or thinks that the president “arranged” the deal.

The president is merely basking in the glow of a free enterprise success story. No problem – all presidents do it but of course this president was going to do things differently until he decided, as he admitted, to do things the same old way.